we sell software directly or through distributors?
We generally advise companies to sell
their products directly when they launch U.S. operations.
It may sound easier to look for distributors, but we believe
that's generally a mistake. If the price starts above a few
thousand dollars, selling your software directly to final
customers will increase your understanding of why they buy
(or don't buy) your products. You will fine-tune your marketing
message and make the proper decisions for future releases
of your products. If you give this task to your distributors,
you will never know the truth, because resellers have different
challenges: They want to avoid competition from other distributors,
they want to use your product as a marketing tool to sell
other products, and they look for a short-term return on their
investment. They seldom try to build your brand equity. However,
the distributor channel is probably the best solution to penetrate
Central and South American markets.
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