How do I
better qualify a prospective customer before investing time in a proof of concept?
Technical resources are scarce and expensive. Very often,
large prospective customers ask for a proof of concept in
their own environment. In the U.S., the travel expenses will
add to the total cost. The best way, of course, is to ask
the customers to pay for consulting time. But when you are
a new player in the market, or when you deal with very large
companies, this may become a tough goal to achieve. Moreover, if you
want to sell your product, asking your best pre-sales engineer
to spend 1 week consulting at a customer's site, with no
guarantee of closing the deal, is not always the best way to
manage the engineer's time. You may review the 10 following questions
before deciding if you really want to invest time at the prospective
customer's site:
1- Do you know the budget linked to the project?
2- Which part of it can be spent for your product offering?
3- Do you precisely know the decision process (who decides
4- Have you met the influencer/decision maker(s)?
5- Have you defined in writing what the customer calls a
successful technical evaluation?
6- Has the pre-sales technical person approved the benchmark?
7- Can the customer achieve their project without your product
8- What is the compelling reason for the prospective customer
to buy within the defined time frame?
9- Is the Return on Investment of your solution easy to evaluate
in this specific case?
10- Do you really offer exceptional benefits, as opposed to the competition,
for this particular project?
Questions? |